When you search for a place to stay on Tiny Away, you can narrow down your options by using filters and reading the descriptions of places to check if they’d be a good fit for your trip.

To search for a place to stay:

  1. On tinyaway.com, enter your destination, travel dates and number of guests.
  2. Click Search.
  3. If you want, use the filters (such as price range, amenities) to narrow down your options. Click More to see all available filters.
  4. Scroll through the listings or use the map to find listings in the location you want.
  5. Click on a listing to open it. To learn more about it, read the description, check the available amenities, review the House Rules and see reviews that other guests have left for the host.
  6. If you have any questions, send the host a message. Alternatively, if you’re ready to book, request to book the listing (or use Instant Book if the host has it turned on).

Note: When you look at a listing, we might indicate that it’s “Featured”. This means that the tiny house experience is selected to be featured and recommended by Tiny Away during this period. Keep in mind that many tiny houses are unique, and different attributes may be important to different guests.